
Penetration Test
(Penetration Test)
(Penetration Test)
In the field of information exchange security, due to the existence of different ways to transfer vital and important information of users in various fields, such as important information of people on their mobile phones, as well as important data and secrets of organizations on the Internet, security of applications, networks in organizations, infrastructures The network and information storage equipment have gained special importance because the presence of vulnerability in any area can lead to circumventing all security mechanisms (firewalls, intrusion prevention and detection systems).

Saia Ertebat Aren Company Due to the technical ability of its technical engineering staff and the relationship with prominent foreign companies in this field, it has the ability to provide services related to the information security management system with very high quality for the applicant organizations. The description of the services that can be provided in the framework of this category are:
- Consulting, design, implementation, review and assurance
- Cultivation and training including holding seminars and training courses
- Preparing a justification plan using penetration testing methods and assessing security weaknesses
- Consulting regarding the preparation of appropriate steps to improve the security status of the organization and the preparation of relevant RFPs to select a competent contractor for the implementation of ISMS
- Inviting international certification companies for audit and certification